Among Those That Lead the Pack – The Forrester Wave, Q4 2020

This week Forrester published “The Forrester Wave: Security Analytics Platforms, Q4 2020” report. Securonix was named a leader in the evaluation, with the third highest score in both the Current Offering and Strategy categories. We believe that this is a great result that highlights our efforts to build the best Security Operations platform available in the market. But ratings and Wave position are not the only thing that you can take away from the report.

In the report, Forrester is indicating where they believe the security analytics space is heading and what they believe are the key capabilities needed to get there. They start by saying:

“As security information and event management (SIEM) technology becomes outdated and less effective, cloud-delivered security analytics platforms that provide custom detections will dictate which providers will lead the pack”.

We couldn’t agree more. We believe that this statement perfectly describes what Securonix provides: a cloud native security analytics platform that provides custom detections. Furthermore, the Securonix platform includes capabilities, such as SOAR, that support not only detection but also response actions. And it is not only about custom detections. The pre-built content provided by Securonix allows organizations to save time on customization and content development, delivering faster time to value.

At Securonix we are perfectly aligned to the vision of the future provided in the Forrester report: “The future of security analytics is in the cloud”. The Securonix SaaS platform capabilities are not only provided from the cloud. It has also been architected and built leveraging the most advanced cloud capabilities and features. It is scalable and elastic, metered by use, service-based, built on shared infrastructure and ubiquitous by means of internet technologies.

The Forrester report recommends that “Security pros looking to replace their legacy on-premises solutions should look for vendors that deliver most, if not all, of their capabilities from the cloud.” This is aligned to what Securonix observes in its high winning rate against incumbents and competitors still struggling to adapt their legacy solutions to a fully cloud delivered platform.

But if you still want to know about the scores…

The detailed assessment of Security Analytics platforms produced by Forrester gave either “standard” or “highly differentiated” scores in all criteria: Securonix received no scores (assigned between 1 and 5) under 3.0 in any criteria.

The Forrester report gave Securonix the highest possible score in the deployment and data architecture criterion: It is the only solution with the highest score, 5.

We believe that Securonix advanced analytics’ power and flexibility are evidenced by the scores assigned by Forrester to the Analytics and Custom detections criterion: Securonix received the highest possible score in both criteria.

Finally, the Forrester report also gave Securonix the highest possible mark in the product vision criterion. The Securonix platform is a leader among the top solutions with a compelling vision of the future.

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