Next-Gen SIEM: Migrate to a new normal

Stepping up to the next generation

Moving away from tradition is never easy. Sure, things are difficult when you stick to legacy technology. For example, it requires more manual work and the analysts to run it. But it’s a known quantity. It’s comfortable and familiar. And it’s what you are used to doing, day in and day out.

Sometimes, though, a known quantity can be a dangerous thing – especially when it comes to cybersecurity. Outdated technology that depends on blind rule-based detection and has severe data scaling limitations is a weakness that leaves holes in your cybersecurity defense. This is why migrating to a next-gen SIEM should be a priority for all organizations.

  • A next-gen SIEM can detect threat-like behavior, allowing you to detect threats hidden among legitimate events. In many cases, seemingly innocuous events come together to form a well-planned cyber threat. Securonix detects these threats using event context and a built-in threat chaining capability to see the larger picture.
  • Using big data technology for information processing instead of traditional databases, a next-gen SIEM can easily scale to meet increased demand.
  • Securonix provides integrated threat intelligence feeds to ensure the platform stays up to date with current threat profiles.

How can you prevent migration-related issues?

Change is never without risk – but well managed change can minimize risk. Securonix utilizes a 5-step migration methodology to ensure that the migration process is standardized, well-planned, and executed without hiccups.



Over 12 to 24 weeks (depending upon the current SIEM, the scale of the migration, and other factors), the Securonix migration team will help your organization migrate your environment from your current SIEM. A thorough current state analysis is followed by identifying a plan of action. Then Securonix will define the architecture and set up the new SIEM. Securonix will work with your team to migrate policies, data, and other configuration settings. The final step involves handing over the final production setup and training.

  • By moving your environment in a staggered fashion, any issues can be isolated and solved before moving to the next level.
  • Each stage has pre-defined deliverables. These deliverables serve as both progress indicators as well as inputs for later stages.

Inevitably, the success of any migration depends upon whether your leadership is determined to explore new heights with a next-gen SIEM. Securonix has structured migration plans for all major SIEM vendors, and multiple successful deployments. Get in touch to find out how we can get your organization migrated quickly, effectively, and painlessly to the Securonix Next-Gen SIEM.

For More Information Download the SIEM Migration Planning White Paper